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«»50 years of Hip Hop and Bodé»»
Opening Saturday May 20 at 5 p.m. (by invitation).
Official inauguration Sunday May 21 from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Exhibition until May 28, 2023 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Villa Molitor
2 avenue de la Porte Molitor
75016 Paris

Mark Bodé, renombrado artista neoyorquino, regresa a Francia con ADDA Gallery presentando «50 years of Hip Hop and Bodé», una emocionante exposición.
En la exposición, el artista presenta transformaciones sorprendentes de destacados artistas como Dondi White, Lady Pink, Seen y Os Gemeos en sus obras. Inspirado por las fotografías de Martha Cooper, crea impresionantes piezas en diferentes formatos.

Vaughn Bodé, influyente autor de cómics underground, dejó un legado que Mark ha preservado con fidelidad. El estilo Bodé y sus icónicos personajes han inspirado a artistas del graffiti durante décadas. También se exhibirán dibujos originales de Vaughn Bodé. Imprescindible.

Renowned New York artist Mark Bodé returns to France with ADDA Gallery presenting «50 Years of Hip Hop and Bodé», an exciting exhibition.
In the exhibition, the artist presents striking transformations of leading artists such as Dondi White, Lady Pink, Seen and Os Gemeos on his own work. Inspired by the photographs of Martha Cooper, he creates impressive pieces in different formats.

Vaughn Bodé, influential underground comics author, left a legacy that Mark has faithfully preserved. Bodé’s style and his iconic characters have inspired graffiti artists for decades. Original drawings by Vaughn Bodé will also be on display. A must.