JIRASAK ANOUJOH “C´est la vie”
21.09. 2019 – 19.10.2019
+33 (0) 9 87 33 69 88
La galería ADDA & SARTO (Anteriormente conocida como ADDA&TAXIE) comienza su nueva etapa con “C´est la vie”, primera exposición en Europa del artista tailandés JIRASAK ANOUJOH. En “C´est la vie” tenemos la oportunidad de poder presenciar la enorme expresividad y capacidad técnica que el artista demuestra en cada una de sus obras de gran formato realizadas con carboncillo.
En su obra reciente, JIRASAK plantea una idea general en la que las personas retratadas se cubren con sus manos en posturas que parecen defensivas. El autor incorpora detalles como las arrugas en las manos y brazos de sus figuras y las incorpora a los retratos, dándoles el protagonismo que les niega a los ojos, bocas o oídos. Con ésto además nos introduce a algunas referencias a su fé budista con su concepto de aislarse de las fuentes del mal y no ser conductor de él, ni como espectador ni como participante.
ADDA & SARTO gallery (formerly known as ADDA & TAXIE) begins its new stage with “C´est la vie”, the first exhibition in Europe of the Thai artist JIRASAK ANOUJOH. In “C´est la vie” we have the opportunity to witness the enormous expressiveness and technical capacity that the artist puts into in each of his large-scale artworks, using charcoal as main tecnique.
In his recent work, JIRASAK works around a concept in which the people portrayed in the artworks appear covered with their own hands in positions that seem defensive. The author focuses his work in details such as wrinkles in the hands and arms of his figures and incorporates them as a capital element of his portraits, giving them the prominence that is denied to the eyes, mouths or ears. With this, he also introduces us to some references to his Buddhist faith with his concept of isolate yourself from the sources of evil and not being a conductor of it, either as a spectator or as a participant.