MURAM. Arte urbano. Leyendas callejeras
Del 22 de marzo de 2019 al 30 de junio de 2019
El Muram permanece abierto de martes a viernes, de 10 a 14 y de 17 a 19 horas. Sábados, de 11 a 14 y de 17 a 20 horas. Domingos y festivos, de 11 a 14 horas. Lunes, cerrado.
Museo Regional de Arte Moderno. (MURAM)
Cartagena, Murcia (España)
MURAM. Urban art. Street Legends.
From March 22 to June 30, 2019.
Muram opens from Tuesday to Friday, from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 7 pm.
Saturdays, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays and holidays, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed Monday.
Museo Regional de Arte Moderno. (MURAM)
Cartagena, Murcia (Spain)
MURAM Cartagena de Arte Urbano Leyendas Callejeras es el título de la exposición organizada por Murcia Street Art Project planteada como un ambicioso estudio sobre el street art y el graffiti nacional e internacional, en la que se exponen obras de artistas básicos de la escena. Dicha exposición muestra 75 obras de 79 artistas de un total de 23 países, que permanecerá abierta hasta el próximo 30 de junio. Destacan obras de artistas reconocidos tales como Okuda, Bosoletti, Dran, Uriginal. OakOak….
Complementariamente, se plantean actividades y intervenciones paralelas a la exposición que amplían la experiencia.
MURAM Cartagena of Urban Art Street Legends is the title of the exhibition organized by Murcia Street Art Project, proposed as an ambitious study on street art and international graffiti, in which the work of some great artists of the scene are exhibited. This exhibition shows 75 works by 79 artists from a total of 23 countries, which will remain open until June 30th. Highlights works of recognized artists such as Okuda, Bosoletti, Dran, Uriginal. OakOak ….
In addition, there are activities and interventions parallel to the exhibition that broaden the experience.