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Mark Bode, nacido en nueva york y hijo del legendario artista Vaughn Bode, representa un caso único en el mundo del arte: Habiendo trabajado desde niño con su padre, que le introdujo en su altamente personal estilo y mundo de personajes hasta su prematura y triste muerte, ha continuado con el legado familiar hasta el dia de hoy habiendo publicado trabajos en medios como HEAVY METAL, EPIC MAGAZINE, PENTHOUSE, HUSTLER , GAUNTLET MAGAZINE… Además de haber expuesto en galerías de todo el mundo y colaborado con marcas del calibre de Mark Ecko o Puma. Uno de los estilos mas reconocibles y auténticos de la actualidad.

Mark Bode participa en la exposición «O, Una muestra colectiva sobre erotismo», que estará abierta al público desde el 2 de Diciembre de 2016 hasta el 4 de Febrero de 2017 en Montana Gallery Barcelona. 

Mark Bode, was born in New York and he is son of the legendary artist Vaughn Bode. He represents a unique case in the world of art. Bode have worked  alongside his father since his childhood. His father introduced him on his personal style and his world of characters until his untimely and sad death. He has continued with the family legacy to the present. He has published works in different media such as HEAVY METAL, EPIC MAGAZINE, PENTHOUSE, HUSTLER, GAUNTLET MAGAZINE, just to mention a few. In addition to exhibiting in galleries around the world and making collaborations with brands of the caliber of Mark Ecko or Puma. He owns one of the most recognizable and authentic styles today.

Mark Bode participates in the exhibition «O, A collective exhibition on eroticism«, which will be open to the public from December 2, 2016 until February 4, 2017 at Montana Gallery Barcelona.



